Every weekend we're watching movies together...whether you're in Pennsylvania USA, or Sydney Australia. It's a throwback! Back to the days when you had the anticipation for waiting till the weekend to see the classic horror or science fiction film that was listed in the TV Guide. The plan is to watch a movie at 7:30PM on Saturday night in your own time zone. Or, if you can't Saturday night...anytime during the weekend. Then, we'll all get together and e-mail our thoughts on the film...a few paragraphs...or simply a sentence if you'd like. They after-viewing reviews appear first on our Creepy Classics/Monster Bash News Page. See the latest thoughts posted by viewers ther now.

Concept submitted by Mike Adams of Cartaret, New Jeresey.

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This Saturday Night's Group Viewing!

Saturday November 24, 2012 - MOVIE -"MONSTER ON THE CAMPUS" (1958). Suggested by Herb Salisbury, Everett, WA.

It's a throwback!

Hi ron

Hope things are coming along at the shop... Monster on The Campus, absolutely one of the
great 50s classics, Arthur Franz & Joanna Moore, pretty darn good story, and some genuinely
scary moments. And of course we have old faves White Bissell, Ross Elliott, and Judson Pratt
round out this classic cast, a great anytime flick...regards,

-Jay "J50smonstakid (:" Maggio, Kingsman, AZ

Probably the least of the Jack Arnold directed films (let's face it, topping CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON, THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN and TARANTULA would be tough), but not bad. Actually found the whole
thing quite humorous from how our protagonist gets infected by accident...twice (!!), the thickest southern drawls I've heard since visiting all my relatives in Northeast Arkansas when I was little, the
incredibly LOUD plaid shirt he wears and of course, being a 50's sci-fi movie, radiation has to come into factor somehow!

Decent performances in here by Arthur Franz, the lovely Joanna Moore (who had an incredibly tragic life) and Judson Pratt who I saw in so many TV shows help it move along. Not great, but certainly worth seeing .

The burning question I have is when Dr. Blake calls Madagascar long distance (I love how his future Father-In-Law is almost sobbing "...$5 a minute!" when contemplating the massive phone bill Blake is running up) to talk to Dr. Moreau, the famed scientist,
is it THE Dr. Moreau from ISLAND OF LOST SOULS who somehow managed to escape from his creations and start over on another island?


- Steve Schimming
Sanbornton NH

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